The series of talks from the book of Matthew focuses on Jesus’ interactions with different people and responses to different situations that reveal His character and divinity.
17. Easter Sunday // Starting Again - Joel Virgo // Matthew 28:1-15
17. Easter Sunday // Starting Again - Joel Virgo // Matthew 28:1-15
In the final passage of our Hope Is Here Series, we look at how Jesus’ resurrection makes a difference to us in our lives today.
The guards at Jesus’ tomb had an extraordinary encounter with an...
16. Hope is Here // 12 The Cross - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 27:27-50
16. Hope is Here // 12 The Cross - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 27:27-50
The cross represents different things to different people, to some it symbolises Christianity, to others, crucifixion, and others Jesus Himself. While the cross displays many things,...
15. Hope is Here // 11 Gethsemane - Matt Carvel // Matthew 26:30-56
15. Hope is Here // 11 Gethsemane - Matt Carvel // Matthew 26:30-56
The word ‘Gethsemane’ is derived from two Hebrew words: gat, which means "a place for pressing oil (or wine)" and shemanim, which means "oils." During Jesus' time, heavy...
14. Hope is Here // 10 The Lord's Supper - Joel Virgo // Matthew 26:17-35
14. Hope is Here // 10 The Lord's Supper - Joel Virgo // Matthew 26:17-35
In the passage this week, we read about the last night before the crucifixion. This is the crisis point that the story has been building up to. The disciples have been repeatedly told that Jesus is...
13. Hope is Here 9 // Jesus Curses The Fig Tree - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:12-14, 18-22
13. Hope is Here 9 // Jesus Curses The Fig Tree - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:12-14, 18-22
In this week’s passage, after throwing the people out of the temple Jesus came across a fig tree with no fruit on it and cursed it so that it withered. It would be easy to get the...
12. Hope is Here // 7 The Cleansing of the Temple - Joel Virgo // Matthew 21:12-17
12. Hope is Here // 7 The Cleansing of the Temple - Joel Virgo // Matthew 21:12-17
Throughout the bible, we see God’s people taking the gifts that God has given then and using them to be a means of privilege. For example, the sabbath was intended to be a gift of rest but it was...
11. Hope Is Here // 6 The Triumphant Entry - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:1-11
11. Hope Is Here // 6 The Triumphant Entry - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 21:1-11
This week’s passage tells the story of Palm Sunday and Jesus’ return to Jerusalem. We know that it is an important story because it is written about in all four gospels.
10. Hope is Here // 5 What do you want? // Application
09. Hope is Here // 5 What do you want? - Joel Virgo // Matthew 20:17-34
In Matthew 17 we read about the transfiguration where the voice of God says, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” After witnessing this, it would be fair...
08. Application // The Temple Tax // Matthew 17:24-27
07. Hope is Here // 4 The Temple Tax - Matt Carvel // Matthew 17:24-27
In this week’s passage, Peter is asked if Jesus pays taxes. As laid out in Exodus 30, the Israelites paid tax for the upkeep of the tabernacle and this seems to have been carried over and applied to...
06. Hope is Here // 3 Jesus and the Children - Matt Carvel // Matthew 19:13-15
06. Hope is Here // 3 Jesus and the Children - Matt Carvel // Matthew 19:13-15
In the passage this week we hear a story of children being brought to Jesus so that He could lay His hands on them. Firstly what we can see is how the people wanted to bring their children to Jesus,...
05. Hope is Here // Jesus heals a Boy with a Demon Q and A Live
03. Hope is Here // 2 Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon - Tobi Ford-Western // Matthew 17:14-20
In the passage this week, we read the story of Jesus healing a boy with a demon. Firstly, we see the contrast between the transfiguration in the previous verses, with the chaos of fallen humanity...
02. Application // The Transfiguration // Matthew 17:1-9
01. Hope is Here // 1 The Transfiguration - Joel Virgo // Matthew 17:1-9
This Sunday we began our new spring term series ‘Hope Is Here’. We will be looking at the book of Matthew from where we previously left off as a church, launching into chapter 17.
Often in our...