Inclusivity Policy

Policy Statement

At Emmanuel, we are committed to serving our city and the wider community by demonstrating and teaching the message of Jesus Christ. We aim to do this through various activities, events and initiatives and we firmly believe that any active and effective church must be thoroughly involved in its locality.

We strongly reject discrimination, in all forms. We will not discriminate against groups or individuals on the grounds of gender, sex, race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, language, age, marital status, child care arrangements, carer status, disability, HIV status, physical or mental health, offender background, appearance, class or economic status, trade union membership or political affiliation or whether they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


The purpose of this policy is to provide fairness for all in our employment and in the provision of services by serving our city and the wider community by demonstrating and teaching the message of Jesus Christ. We aim to do this through various activities, events and initiatives and we firmly believe that any active and effective church must be thoroughly involved in its locality.


The Organisation’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is:

  • To create an environment where all our employees, trustees and volunteers are valued.
  • To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of direct or indirect discrimination, intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
  • To ensure training and development opportunities are available to all.
  • To promote equality in the workplace, which it believes is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
  • To regularly review all employment and volunteering practices and procedures (from recruitment, to selection, to appointment, to appraisal and right through to the end of employment within the Trust) to ensure that the legal rights of individuals are upheld.
  • To establish a fair process for Work Tenders and the selection of Preferred Suppliers for ongoing Maintenance or Building works.
  • To regularly review services to ensure they are accessible and appropriate to all groups within society.
  • To treat breaches of the equality policy seriously and to take disciplinary action when required.
  • To provide information and training to all employees, trustees and volunteers so that they are aware of the issues relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and their responsibilities relating to it.
  • To ensure the policy is fully supported by the Board of Trustees.
  • To formally monitor and review the policy every 2 years (next review March 2024) - ensuring diversity is considered within the organisational structure at all levels.
  • To find ways to continually listen and respond to the ever changing culture around us and look to implement appropriate actions.


The aim of this policy is to provide a framework of equality, diversity and inclusion as part of Emmanuel's values:

  • To strive to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are reflected in church life, external events and initiatives for members of the public.
  • To ensure that Emmanuel is compliant with the statutory employment duties under the Equality Act 2010.


We are committed to ensuring all staff are up to date with this policy and regular updates to be shared at the relevant staff meetings as and when directed. We treat our staff, volunteers, service users, hirees, with dignity, courtesy and mutual respect at all times. It is all of our responsibility to sustain an inclusive and supportive culture and to ensure that the policy is upheld. We are committed to dealing with any breach of this promptly and fairly,, there is a complaint procedure should this be the case.

Building Hire

Service users and potential services users can expect Emmanuel to:

  • Work in partnership with others to promote equality and diversity.
  • Make sure that we provide services that comply with relevant legislation and statutory codes of practice.
  • Develop good practice policies and procedures over and above that which is required by legislation.
  • Our buildings are maintained in line with this policy.
  • Emmanuel staff, volunteers, hirees are kept safe in line with this policy.
  • Hirees are asked to comply with this policy and this is a condition of the booking being accepted.

If you have an inclusivity related enquiry or for any further questions please email us on

Complaints can be directed to our HR manager, Annie Waller via email